best display of colour - india
best scenery - new zealand
best beach - costa malabari, kerala, india
best town - joint winners luang prabang, laos and hoi-an, vietnam
best food - india, with special mention to savage garden restaurant in udaipur and costa malabari in kerala
best song lyric to fit my year - 'fantastic expectations, amazing revelations' from Ian Brown F.E.A.R.
best travelling from A to B - slowboat in laos
best adventure - desert in namibia
best swimming pool - at jim's flat, bangkok
best shopping - india
best day - stand out memory is City2Surf day in sydney. i couldn't say why it wins - maybe the quality time with my brother, the delicious and long-awaited lunch, the sense of achievement, the endomorphines running around my system, the well-deserved swim in the sea, the feeling of being part of a 63,000 strong crowd, coming home to my parents...
best email received - from helen on the morning of her wedding
best letter received - mr andy mason wins every time
best present received - caramelised peanuts made by innocence
best comedy moment - falling into pit dug for toilet at innocence's house on morning of day 2
best miracle - meeting a friend who could show me the way, filippe, in the dark on my first eve in mozambique
best book read - gilead
best tv programme seen - grey's anatomy
best church meeting attended - gospel choir competition in blantyre, malawi
best wildlife spotting - amazing coloured fish whilst snorkelling on great barrier reef
i could go on, there have been so many joys. of course there were also not so great moments..
scariest day - in desert in namibia
worst sunburn - snorkelling on great barrier reef
loneliest times - getting around sydney suburbs alone
saddest day - last day in mozambique attending a funeral and saying goodbye
most wanting to come home day - christmas day missing my mum!
but overall i cannot believe how good this year has been, and i'm not even quite finished with it yet! it has been a year of blessing - that is the best word i could use to sum up my time. it has been a year full of fantastic hospitality shown me by others, good health, amazing scenery, eye-opening experiences, freely given friendship, care and kindness shown to me, the unexpected joys of my own company and awe and wonder at life in this beautiful world.
i wouldn't say this is chance, good luck or a result of my excellent common sense! i definitely credit this year to my lord who led me on my journey and created the beauty i saw and who never left my side. i think this may be a first on this blog, but a little bible quote for you (slightly edited by me!) from psalm 4
let the light of your face shine upon me, o lord
you have filled my heart with great joy
i will lie down and sleep in peace
for you alone o lord make me dwell in safety