Tuesday, February 13, 2007

warming up

well i have warmed to this place, at first i was worried the food wasn't up to earlier indian standards, and i hadn't experienced quite the same delights as up north. but now, i'm loving it. i've warmed up to being back on my own again as well, just love exploring by myself, hired a bike a couple of times and got about a bit. very proud of my sunset photos - see a couple more on flickr.. as i wasn't brave enough the first night to go out along one of the fishing net structures to get the best view, but second night i went for it and didn't fall in the sea, and you can see what a beautiful result i got. best sunset of the year for me photo wise i think. so enjoying the odd bit of minor risk taking and general adventure.

only downside is its also warming up literally. thinking about it i'm not sure i've lived in this level of heat before. i have no idea what actual temperature we're talking about, i'm just working on the basis that i've never had to sleep naked with absolutely no cover under a fan on all night before, feeling sweaty as i try to get to sleep and the same when i wake up. not great. also had more than a couple of times of feeling very close to fainting, that i naturally put down to lack of food, but beginning to think i may have underestimated the effects of heat.

anyway result is tomorrow i head to the hills, off to some tea plantations at 1500m altitude to cool down. should be lovely, will show you the photos soon!

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