Saturday, April 08, 2006

hannahs off to town Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Hannah
I have never contributed to one of these before so not sure how it works, but.... I have been very touched and interested to read your thoughts, particularly as I frequently get similar emails from the volunteers I train who are now all around the world with the EEP programme. I think it is so important to get the right balance between the realism of the poverty and suffering and the joy of the many gifts that people living in places like rural Mozambique have to offer - that most people in the UK would never imagine. And to realise again and again how much we have to learn, about other people's cultures, relationships, ourselves and God.I loved the photo of you and Hannah setting off to town. Do you speak Portuguese, or a local language ?Did I tell you I visited Kenya for three weeks in January ? I loved it - I was staying with Kenyan families I knew because they had been here - and my main awareness since returning has been how many misperceptions there are in both directions, in spite of the common language of English, and how difficult it is to overcome the economic power gulf, and how much people achieve with so few material resources (in the true sense of achievement). This weekend I have enjoyed the family gathering for my 60th birthday - we had a great party with 50 people of many faiths and cultures in our beautiful church. You must come and visit when you get back ! Love and prayers for the next stage of your journey.