well it seems i love birthdays whether they're mine or not, either way its just great to celebrate! we had a top night out for matt's birthday last sat with pre-drinks, dinner and late bar. i just loved getting out for some city nightlife. first up was minus5 - a bar made of ice who only let you stay in for half an hour and give you a coat to wear... now don't laugh, but i was that concerned about the environmental impact of running such a place that i sent a polite e-mail beforehand asking them about their energy consumption and whether or not they had any good environmental policies to try and counteract the negative effects... well, i heard absolutely nothing so went along anyway, realising that it may not have been the time for principles. then it was pizza and beer galore, although when i say pizza, take that with a pinch of salt as they were mostly covered in kangaroo, emu or crocodile meat which is not my idea of pizza. but my lovely brother let me order rocket and prosciutto pizza which sorted me out. then the bar was good too.. i even sacrificed my principles for the sake of birthday fun to the extent of going to McDonalds for the first time in years. in all fairness McFlurrys are pretty good, and when you're celebrating your brother's birthday for probably the only time in at least 10 years, you have to make the most of it.
this morning was also a right laugh with girls helping, or not helping as the case may be, with present opening. top quote from abigail "why does he need another one?" when matt opened a leather purse from me. nothing like a girl who speaks her mind.
other than all this excitement we've got a 3 day weekend coming up which should give me a chance to see lots of movies, read some books, get some exercise and generally chill. i don't reckon i've been my normal happy self since moving to st ives, which i put down to the long days and lack of exercise. matt + i generally set off at 7.30am and don't get back till 7 pretty often in the eve, which to a girl who has always been a part-timer, is a shock to the system. and gone are all those walks and runs, its a circuit class once a week in the park if i'm lucky and maybe a sat morning run/swim at the beach. i am definitely ready to quit the working life, just a shame that i have such small funds to show for all my efforts - financial panic is beginning to set in.
trying to pack in all my last plans for getting the most out of this beautiful city. will report back on my success over the next few weeks before i head to new zealand on the 23rd october. any last tips for that beautiful country very welcome.