thought it was about time i said a bit about my spiritual journey and how my faith is such a big part of all my anticipation for the year ahead. its strange trying to describe what is so important to me when i know a lot of you reading this may not share this part of my life, but my faith in God is a key part of my life so i reckon you'll be hearing about it from time to time.
the picture is the front of my journal which i have already started writing bits in and hope to continue recording all my inspirations, sorrow, hopes and delights along the way. i've been reading the book pilgrims progress and wondering about the different people and circumstances that lie ahead for me this year. some inklings i have of what may be in store or what i hope will happen are:
that i will learn to forgive
that i will be led by God (a verse in Hosea keeps exciting me - "i am going to allure her; i will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her")
that i will return with more clarity about what my life is going to be all about in the future
that i will learn how to be generous
that i will be a blessing to the people i visit
although i decided to go travelling and have made the plans for this year myself i also believe that a biblical proverb is true that "in his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps", so i will be trying to stay open to the possibilities of what God opens my eyes to, what he leads me into, and what he teaches me along the way. by the way, i didn't realise when i booked my flights but i leave on the first day of lent which i reckon is significant.
for me the christian faith is all about journey, about following a way, about adventure, discovery and pilgrimage. i looked up the word pilgrimage and my favourite definition is 'a journey to a place which is considered special' which is definitely what i hope to be doing this year but is also what my whole life is about.
well thanks for reading, if you pray i would welcome prayer that my journey this year does include the things i mention above.
not long now - i set off in just over a week!! still very excited, but also a little concerned about all the upsetting goodbyes that have been going on and will be going on this week. will post a better itinerary here before i go so you all know whats happening in theory!
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