it is so strange not to be saying this in person to lots of you or not writing my usual mini essays in cards to the rest of you.. but this is a different year from normal so my greetings come to you over the internet. i do feel bad about it but hey. so i wanted to wish you a very happy christmas, i'm hoping that you get the chance to enjoy a bit of time out from all the usual christmas chaos and that you get some quality time with some people important to you.
for me christmas is all about the coming of peace and joy and hope and light and life and all the good things because i am celebrating the coming of jesus into this world. if i'm honest its often tricky to actually experience those things at christmas time as it is always so busy.. so its interesting that this year has been more full of all of the above than any other year in my life. i am having a run-up to christmas completely full of peace and joy and light and life and hope and excitement. so although it is a very different experience for me from normal, it is certainly not a bad one.
i always enjoy reading a bit of chapter 1 in john around christmas precisely because its full of talk of light and life when it describes the coming of jesus. this year i noticed a bit i hadn't seen before, verse 16:
"from the fulness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another"
well, how true that is for me this year. may it be so for you too
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