well its been a mixed experience for my first christmas away. some moments just missing my family no end and unable to stop thinking of what i'm missing and other moments able to enjoy the one off opportunity before me.. it was lovely to be back in a country that reminds me so much of mozambique - cycling around, carrying small child on my back, waking up itching mosquito bites (!), flushing the squat loo with a cup of water, potholed roads etc.. its not all great stuff but it is a life that i am strangely drawn to.
tim and catherine did a top job of pulling out all the stops to provide endless christmas treats which included baked potatoes, orange christmas tree x 2, homemade bread and scones, ginger wine, a bedroom full of orange balloons... it certainly felt like a special time for treats and celebrations.
eden and forrest also played their part, eden in particular being more friendly than my own flesh and blood isabella had been when i first met her! eden is quite happy to give anyone a kiss and cuddle so i made the most of that!
it all seems ridiculously brief thought as i'm now on my way to vietnam, just stopping one night now in phnom penh. i've learnt a few lessons on my way today
a) set an alarm when catching early morning transport. i failed to manage that so set off having had 5 mins to get up and go and say goodbyes
b) never take malaria tablets without food. i took my daily dose before realising that my late schedule meant breakfast had to be missed. this resulted in lesson
c) always carry a spare plastic bag. being sick on a bus requires one.
d) do not assume moto drivers know their way around. i have wasted at least an hour this afternoon reading my rough guide map on the back of motorbikes trying to work out where on earth we've ended up!
but its all good, i've got where i needed to and was not too ill, have discovered that i can survive without food a lot longer than i thought and have treated myself to a bit more luxury in my nights accommodation to make up for the other shortfalls in my day! so should be a breeze from here on!