Friday, June 09, 2006

life isn't all sunny smiles

so i've returned to the world of work, been in a hospital admin office for the last 4 days. the shock to my system is pretty bad. it just seems such a shame to be here in the right country but missing out on so many fun opportunities with the girls. still needs must, i will be needing the cash for rent, food, other essentials and i have to save for the next step of my travels from here. so i guess i am glad to be working, they're nice people i'm with - its a project office for hospital refurbishments and building projects in the area so its kind of interesting, although my tasks are so far limited to the not-so-interesting ones of folding A1 plans to archive and other filing... the end result of all this is that i'm pretty exhausted and feel i haven't enjoyed any nice times with the family since starting work. but its a 3 day weekend now thanks to the queen's birthday (i so didn't realise the queen was queen here aswell - how bizarre?!) so i hope to recover and have some more fun.
with being tired, getting into a routine i don't particularly want to be in and realising the difference between this and regular life back home, i have been a bit low the last few days, just missing people more; having my mind/heart here, in mozambique, the desert and back home; not sleeping well; feeling short of people around here to share life with; not feeling able to keep up with the frantic family life around me; not having much time/space to myself to keep up with all the changes... i don't know, just a funny time of adjustment i guess. although please bear in mind i am only talking about the last few days, so tomorrow may well be a very different story. it is always more tricky when i hear exciting news from back home though, which i can't really be a part of. don't stop sending me the news, i just long to be as much a part of your lives as always and obviously thats not possible from here. i'm aware i am missing out, all for a good cause though.
so i guess the next couple of weeks could be pretty key in getting into a better pattern where i can stick with the routine of much-needed income-generating work but still continue to get to know this beautiful family i am temporarily part of and enjoy this chance while i have it. the sydney film festival starting tonight should help! i'm off to 5 films over the next 10 days, should be good!
sadly still haven't been able to sort out my mobile thanks to the disgraceful efforts of orange back home, so will let you know a new no in time, but for now uk no still works - all reassuring texts welcome! even picture messages work - thanks SO much to the twins for sending their beautiful faces across the globe.
much much love to all you star readers, the chances are very high that you are often in my thoughts.

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