i guess the birthday treats are finally over now but it has been a very lovely week or so. thanks so much to all you who called or sent cards, pressies, texts and e-mails. it made a huge difference and meant i didn't find it traumatic being away from you all, which is what i had expected. picture is to show you my birthday cake which i ordered after eating it in a cafe a few weeks ago. it is the best cake ever but sadly is all gone now (yes i am beginning to put back some weight on!). and the orchids were the most beautiful part of a series of lovely pressies from matt + fi who went out of their way to help me enjoy an aussie birthday. they were very successful.
i am rude enough to rate all my cards each year so may i announce the winner this year is becs who gets extra brownie points for trespassing in order to make me an amazing collage of graffiti photos from across the road of our house. perfect. top pressie would be more tricky but i'm certainly looking forward to wearing new orange leather flip-flops courtesy of mum. sadly its far too cold at the moment, but a family holiday up to cairns is only about 7 weeks away!!!
other news is i have moved around the corner to cath's which is the most lovely home ever. cath is an art teacher and you can see the influence of her artistic ability everywhere, i am inspired. she could not have made me feel more welcome, has made me dinner already and is giving me free rein to enjoy all her beautiful things. of course i was missing the nieces on day 1 so have in fact popped back to matt's everyday since moving! i've kept a key and will no doubt continue using it plenty.
i also have a mobile no sorted out for here at last, which is +61411602551 so if you ever fancy a chat, are near a landline and have done the maths to see that 9 hours ahead is a sensible time for me to be chatting, then feel free to text me and i can call you back very cheaply. big snag here is the limited times when we'll both be awake and not at work, but hey, worth trying.
last news has to be a mention of the football. getting up on the birthday to watch the match we had recorded was fine, but getting up at 1am to go and watch the last match live left me feeling ill all the following day. i just need more sleep that that. fortunately portugal match is at the weekend so i can at least recuperate in peace the next day. but seriously, you have to give these australians credit, not only for the 'socceroos' surprisingly good effort getting to last 16, but for all the fans who happily lose out on sleep for the sake of football. i'm not quite as dedicated as most people around me yet, but then someone pointed out to me, aussies always have to put up with these nightmare time differences to watch international sport. so if you're watching the portugal game you'll know that i'll be doing exactly the same thing on the other side of the world.