well thought i better at least let you all know i have arrived in oz! am very happily installed at matt & fi's, already loving the life of being auntie hannah. i was fortunate enough to join in with abigail's 3rd birthday party on day 2 here. its amazing how much joy can be found in a day full of nothing but accompanying a beautiful little girl through her day. isabella is clearly amazing - very beautiful and with an excellent cheeky laugh, but she has been ill all the time so far and we haven't really made friends yet. so its been down to abigail to welcome me into sydney life which she has done brilliantly. i've been to playgroup with her where i did a bad job of helping her make a butterfly out of handprints, i've been to library story and craft time with her where i did a bad job of making a paper-plate owl with her and we've spent a very long time on the swings at the park... just simple pleasures, but i am loving it. i feel i have missed out on the mum's craft lessons to be able to fulfil my new role properly but i'm hoping i can catch up quickly. it is all a completely new world for me. abigail and forrest were my first introduction into the world of babies which i now feel pretty familiar with, but the world of very chatty, very pretty, very clever 3 year old girls is definitely a new one. i just can't stop smiling at her and all she is and does.
i have nothing to say about sydney or this new continent i find myself in as my world is abigail's world at the moment.. but soon enough this joy must end as i need to find a job which will sadly take me away from playgroup and parks.
i've had no jetlag whatsoever, just a 15 hour sleep the first night and some late mornings since. so things really couldn't be much better at this point. i'll post my new mobile no here very soon, but in the meantime my postal address for the next few months in case anyone fancies returning to traditional forms of communication (especially, dare i be so cheeky, maybe for my birthday coming up in june?!) is:
Unit 6/19 Fontenoy Road
North Ryde
NSW 2113
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